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Sound check for today's Family Day concert to support The Isaac Foundation and Project One Million!

Sound check for today's Family Day concert to support The Isaac Foundation and Project One Million!

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Trent Hills Father Pushing For Cure For His Son

Trent Hills Father Pushing For Cure For His Son

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My special Valentines :-)

My special Valentines :-)

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Waiting for me when I got home...Gabe's decorations and Ellen's idea. As she noted "I figure you are romantic every day of the year that I could be for today."

Waiting for me when I got home...Gabe's decorations and Ellen's idea. As she noted "I figure you are romantic every day of the year that I could be for today."

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Family Day Concert To Combat Bullying

Family Day Concert To Combat Bullying

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The Agonizing Fight for Isaac: The Hope and the Hurdles

The Agonizing Fight for Isaac: The Hope and the Hurdles

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Welcome Back, Mr. Mayer ;-)

Welcome Back, Mr. Mayer ;-)

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Abominable Gabe Monster!

Abominable Gabe Monster!

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How I spent my last 1/2 hour with the boys. #rubiksnerds

How I spent my last 1/2 hour with the boys. #rubiksnerds

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