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Join us for our 12th annual GALA for a CURE! This virtual event will feature a festive holiday program for the whole family, including music, interviews, patient stories, and more.
This year we will be joined live, in-studio by two Canadian, Juno-nominated singer-songwriters - Danny Michel and Royal Wood!
Since this event is via Zoom, the dress code is whatever you'd like it to be... We suggest going the "Ugly Holiday Sweater" or holiday pyjamas route, and we'll have a prize for each sartorial category. Or, dress up in your finest evening wear: we'll have a prize for that too!
We're looking forward to finding some merriment with all of you. Tickets are free of charge - hope to see you all.
Sunday, December 18th, 7-9PM EST
If you have any questions or technical difficulties, email Alix at alix@theisaacfoundation.com.
For sponsorship opportunities, click here.